Store summary
Name /
French Restaurant: Les Chanterelles
Location /
1151-0062 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Higashi-Yoyogicho 24-1 Abnil moto-Yoyogi 1F
Phone / 03-5465-0919
Opening of business / July 2011
11 seats for seating / counter, 6 seats for table
business hours /
Weekdays (Tue-Fri) 18:00-20:00 (L.O)
Saturday and Sunday 12:00 to 13:00 (L.O) 18:00 to 20:00 (L.O)
Closed: Monday
Nearest station /
8 minutes walk from Odakyu Line Yoyogiuehara.
5 minutes walk from Odakyu Line Yoyogi Hachiman.
5 minutes walk from Chiyoda Line Yoyogikoen Station.